Homeschool First Day Ideas

Homeschool first day ideas

Looking for some fun homeschool first day ideas? I’ve got you covered!


It’s that time of year again – the back to school commercials have officially started! It’s definitely still summer and yet the beginning of a new school year is also definitely upon us.

Whether we’re ready or not!

The first day of homeschool can be such an exciting time as well as maybe a little overwhelming if you’re just starting homeschooling. Or maybe this is another back to homeschool for your family.

Either way, I have come up with a list of 12 Homeschool First Day Ideas that will be sure to set the tone and get you encouraged to start the year off right!

So, time to think about being “ready” – and even if you’re not quite there yet, bookmark this post for when you are!

12 Homeschool First Day Ideas

1. FUN

2. Special breakfast

3. Welcome sign/decorations

4. Start mid-week

5. Routines – ease into them

6. Create first day traditions: all about me worksheets, photo, time capsule, new supplies etc.

7. Games/scavenger hunt for new school supplies

8. Discuss what will be learned

9. Gauge interest for topics, field trips etc.

10. Start a read aloud

11. Don’t do a full day

12. After-school treat, ice cream, park picnic, special dinner

Homeschool First Day Ideas

Below are the ideas in more detail. These are all super adaptable to all ages making them easy to make part of your homeschool first day traditions!

Idea 1.   FUN

An obvious yet often overlooked aspect of the first day of homeschool!

So much pressure on having everything “right” can make you easily push the fun aside.

But it’s also super easy to add some fun in, starting with these ideas.

Get creative! Make it a memorable day that both you and your kiddos look forward to each year.

Idea 2.   Special breakfast

Make something special & fun for breakfast your first day of homeschool. Whether it’s something you usually save for the weekends, or a family favorite or maybe a new tradition you start.

Think pancakes or waffles with toppings, or build your own yogurt parfaits, or muffins or croissants or a special breakfast casserole.

Whatever you choose, make it stand out from the other days. Full tummies = happy campers (or students in this case haha)!

Idea 3.   Welcome sign/decorations

This is one area you can do a lot or a little and still make a big impact.

I keep it more on the simple side and have a welcome to the first day of school sign on our whiteboard waiting for my kids.

But others go all out – balloons, streamers decorated schoolroom (or front) door. Lots of ways to welcome your kids to their first day/ back to homeschool.

Idea 4.   Start mid-week

What a difference this can make!

Even if you love Mondays (I’ll admit I do love the fresh start of a Monday 🙂 ) start on a Wednesday or even Thursday.

Even if you start when the public school near you starts, or even if you start later than others – start mid-week!

Spend the days before establishing regular bedtimes if needed, or gathering up last minute supplies and things you’ll need.

Easing into everything will be so much easier on you and your kids if you don’t have a full week of work/routine ahead of you. It can be a long week, even if you are all loving getting back to homeschool.

This is something we have done in our family for years now and it is such a humane way to slip out of summer mode and into a more structured mode.

Idea 5. Routines

That last homeschool first day idea flows easily into this one. EASE into your routines! Start mid-week but also don’t expect to jump back into a structured day right off the bat.

Summer days, even if you did schoolwork in the summer, tend to be more unstructured. School days, even if your homeschool style is more of an unschooler, are more structured.

Lean into an easy start. The first few days are great for getting reacquainted, or accustomed to, what you’ll learn and how you’ll do so.

Homeschool burnout is a real thing and starting slow will help you keep from heading in that direction too soon!

Idea 6.   First day traditions –

This is probably my favorite homeschool first day idea. My kids would probably agree!

Creating traditions, that you and your kids look forward to each year, is such a wonderful part of homeschool. The first day of school is one great place to start some!

Here are a few:

  • First day pictures! Make sure to capture a photo of your child/children as well as one with YOU and them. Think of it as class picture day too! Such a treasure these pics will be in the future. You can have them draw a “my first day of” whatever grade or hold up a first day sign if you have one. Maybe take the picture in the same spot every year.
  • All About Me Worksheet – a favorite in our household! My kids do a first day and a last day every year and it’s so fun to see what has changed or stayed the same throughout the year.
  • Trace their hands and feet and let them color them in. Do this again at the end of the year and they can see a visual representation of their growth!
  • Measure your kiddos and then have them cut a piece of yarn or string that length. Staple an index card around the yarn or string and have them write the date and their height. Again, do this at the end of the year and compare!
  • All of the above, plus whatever else is meaningful to you and your kids regarding the first day of homeschool, can then go into a time capsule. Print the first day pic and add it to the capsule and tuck away until the end of the year. Such a fun tradition my kids (and I) look forward to opening again.
  • Place any new school supplies or fun treats you have for your kids on their learning space for them. There is something so fun about fresh pencils, erasers and notebooks!

Idea 7.  Games/scavenger hunt

Incorporate a game into your first day of homeschool. Games are an awesome way to sneak in some learning but more importantly to break up monotony and add some fun into your homeschooling. I have a whole post on the best math board games if you are looking for some ideas!

I have also heard of this idea and want to try it with my own kids – make them a scavenger hunt with the prize being their new school supplies or a fun snack.

Such a cute idea!

Clues can all be school related or just geared towards things in your home, either way it will be a hit for all ages!

Idea 8.   Discuss what will be learned

Again, I wouldn’t recommend hitting the books on the first day. But maybe take some time to go over the topics & subjects you’re going to study this year.

Let them flip through any new curriculum or books you have.

If your kids use a planner this is a great time to help them get set up for the school year as well.

Notebook to list topics to learn about as a homeschool first day idea

Idea 9.   Gauge interest

Another really important and fun one on this list of homeschool first day ideas is to take some time the first day to maybe compile a list of topics of interest to your kids.

Maybe they want to learn how rainbows are made, or learn about Amelia Earhart.

Write these things down and then you can decide how to add them into your learning.

Some families write them all on slips of paper and put into a jar. When you pull one out you and do it, you can tack the slip onto a poster board or link together like a chain. A really cool way to see all the fun things you learned together throughout the year!

 Do the same with field trips – write them down. You could also add to the jar or maybe keep a field trip journal. The main thing is to let your kids have some fun coming up with ideas.

Homeschool first day ideas - family read aloud books

Idea 10.   Start a read aloud

One of our favorite parts of our homeschool day is when we sit together to read aloud.

The first day of homeschool is a great day to start this. I have a great list of family read aloud books here and actually need to update with more!

We are a big reading family and there is just something so special about reading aloud to your children, no matter their ages.

This is also a great time to go over the books you’re all going to read for the year.

Idea 11.   Don’t do a full day

Honestly, you really never need to do a “full” day. You’re not recreating traditional school at home!

But, the first day you should especially keep this in mind. Embrace the day as a transitional time between that unstructured summer feel and the structure of the school days.

Idea 12.   After-school treat

Have something special planned for after school the first day. Maybe plan a special lunch, a picnic outside or at a park.

Or take your kids for ice cream, or make cookies.

These are all food related so far haha, but you see what I mean right?!

You could meet friends at a park or if you live by family go visit grandma or grandpa.

Or plan a surprise field trip for the last school day of the first week.


I hope you enjoy these fun homeschool first day ideas!

P.S. Make sure you have a treat for yourself too at the end of the first day/week…dark chocolate, special coffee drink, glass of wine – whatever makes you happy!

You’ve earned it!! 🙂

Do you have any first day of homeschool ideas or traditions you love? If so, please share below in the comments!

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