Educational Science TV Shows to add To Your Homeschool

Educational Science TV Shows – The 20 Best for Your Homeschool

Educational Science TV Shows to add To Your Homeschool

I’ve said it once and I’ll say It again haha – science is one of those subjects! A lot of homeschool parents either love to teach or dread to teach.

Adding in some educational science tv shows to your curriculum, can be a great way to enrich learning. And give you a break, if you need it!

All of these shows are packed with amazing education and big bonus, they’re fun! I have a list of shows for all ages making it easy if you are homeschooling multiple ages.

Keep in mind your children’s personalities and I would strongly advise previewing any science show before watching. Everyone has different sensitivities and we all know how nature shows can be…one minute tranquil then next showing the “circle of life.” Just a helpful tip!

20 Best Educational Science TV Shows to Add to Your Homeschool:

1. SciGirls

PBS kids show that my kids love! Features real girls (tween/young teen ages) exploring different science topics, technology, engineering and mathematics or STEM with experts in that field. Very engaging and I’ll admit it, I get totally absorbed in these episodes too!

2. Bill Nye

Bill Nye the Science Guy…remember him?! He’s such a wonderful resource of cool, super interesting science facts and does some awesome experiments. The ultimate educational science tv show!

3. The Magic School Bus/The Magic School Bus Rides Again

Another throwback show, but still widely popular with kids, and parents/teachers! Ms. Frizzle, the teacher, takes her students on fantastic field trips focusing on a ton of STEM themes. There was even a revamp a few years back of the beloved series, The Magic School Bus Rides Again.

4. Sid the Science Kid

PBS animated show geared towards preschoolers, but is definitely entertaining enough for older kids. Each episode focuses on one question Sid, the very inquisitive star of the show, introduces at the beginning. Catchy songs and a combination of animation and puppets by Jim Henson Co., make this a fun one to watch.

5. Ada Twist, Scientist

Based off of a book series of the same name, this show features Ada (inspired by mathematician Ada Lovelace and physicist Marie Curie) and her friends coming up with some big science questions and working hard to get the answers.

6. Emily’s Wonder Lab

This Netflix show was canceled after only one season and it’s too bad. Emily, a MIT engineer with a super cute personality, explores all that is STEAM (STEM with ART added in!) related. Very fun to watch!

7. Schoolhouse Rock Earth

Schoolhouse Rock and all the great songs was a big deal years ago, back in the day of Saturday morning cartoons. Well this is a newer version with just as catchy songs all geared towards helping to protect the Earth.  While it’s not technically a show, I included it because it’s just so fun and is a great way to reach younger and older kids through science AND music!

8. Amazing Planet

National Geographic produced this series and it’s amazing for sure. The wide range of topics covered throughout the years are sure to align with any science topic or curriculum you’re studying in your homeschool. Beautiful imagery and chock full of great information, each episode is a treasure trove of learning.

9. Nature: Animal Odd Couples

A PBS series focusing on some of the most endearing, funny animal friendships. Think a dog and a cheetah, a tortoise and a goose – you get the idea. Super cool to see the connections these animals have made with one another and how they communicate.

10. The Who Was Show

Based off of one of my favorite book series for kids, the “Who Was” series, an easily digestible biographical series. This show is a great addition to any homeschool day, so many important & historical people spotlighted and introduced in such a fun way. Albert Einstein, Galileo and Marie Curie are just a few of the science themed episodes.

11. Zoo Clues

If your kids are animal lovers this is a perfect show to watch! It explores animals from around the world, and is full of really great facts. Also fun trivia is involved, making it an engaging way to learn more about the animals of the world.

12. Xploration Outer Space

The super informative (yet really fun!)  series is a fantastic way to learn more about space and get a behind the scenes peek at many NASA facilities. Hosted by Emily Calanderlli, of Emily’s Wonder Lab, who happens to be a former NASA employee, get a firsthand look at so many juicy space topics!

13. Planet Earth

By the BBC this series is a beautiful, very in-depth look at our amazing world. Each episode focuses on a different part of the world, from polar ice caps to the mysterious oceans, etc., every inch of Earth is explored. This is one that is for sure a bit more graphic at times, so again, preview depending on your kids & their sensitivities.

14. Myth Busters

Problems and a scientific mindset on how to solve the problems is the basis of this show. Busting common myths and in an exciting way makes this show a favorite of many kids and adults. Just a heads up, this show tends to do “big” things involving explosions, making it a great lesson on safety to talk about with your kiddos.

15. Science Fair the Series

This is a really concept for a show. It focuses on real kids, high schoolers, from around the world who are working to compete at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. The teens who are spotlighted are followed throughout allowing viewers to get to know them as well as learn about their amazing STEM accomplishments. Because there are some teen themes there is a rating of PG, but it’s definitely one to consider for older kids.

16. Brainchild

This is another really fun show – engaging the audience with some really relatable ways of thinking about our world from a science perspective. Everyday science topics are explored and broken down into bite size pieces all while being super entertaining. Producer Pharrell Williams gives it a cool touch all while being educational.

17. Thomas Edison’s Secret Lab

Cute, animated show about a secret lab of Thomas Edison discovered by four friends who share a passion for science. Not only was the lab found, but a virtual version/hologram of Thomas Edison appears leading the kids on some awesome adventures.

18. Xploration Awesome Planet

Another fabulous educational science tv show in the Xploration family (like the above mentioned Xploration Outer Space). This series is hosted by renowned underwater explorer Jacques Cousteau’s grandson, Phillippe Cousteau, Jr, who takes viewers on some truly awesome adventures. From learning about extreme weather, to learning alongside geologists to exploring exciting locales like Iceland, this series covers the planet and all of its fascinating aspects in a spectacular way.

19. Disney Nature: Wings of Life

Not technically a show, this documentary had to be on my list of top must watch science programs. Beautifully produced with dazzling photography & video, some of nature’s most crucial winged creatures are spotlighted. Learning about why bees, butterflies, birds and bats are so, so important to our ecosystem and future, inspired my own kids so much they planted a wildflower garden, one of our spring homeschool activities.

20. Weird but True

Another National Geographic gem for kids! Full of really cool facts and covering a very wide range of topics this show really draws you in. The hosts are super energetic and appealing making this show easy to want to watch again and again.

Add in some science learning and fun!

I hope this list of educational science tv shows helps you add a little extra to your science lessons, or just inspires you to try some new shows with your kids. There are so many amazing science topics out there, combine that with the many ways to watch tv these days, and you’re sure to find some new favorites! Happy learning!

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